Our Friend Bill, Before and After

Our Friend Bill, Before and After

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Medical Payment Update

I hate to tell everyone this, but the bill so far is $55,000 US. He has had two skin grafts thus far, each with a price tag of about $15,000 US, totaling $30,000 US. These procedures place the skin of a cadaver over his burns to stave off infection and help the body to deal with truama. Regretfully, they are temporary, and will begin to seperate from his body in about three weeks. He needs to have his own skin grafted onto his wounds, but has so little unburned skin left that it needs to be grown in a laboratory. These cultures are much more expensive than the cadaver grafts, unbelieveably. The bill of $55,000 US does NOT INCLUDE the price of the skin culture grafts. I will post more details as they arrive. Please continue to support Will and spread the word!

Joanna, his family and his friends.

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